It’s time to start late winter/early spring flowers & veggie’s

You still have time in zones 9/10 to get another round of onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, and radish in. Don’t forget to plant more lettuce, kale etc. Need a salad garden design? Email me
Plant your early spring flowering seeds and bulbs, Dahlias (tubers or seeds), sweet peas, tulips, narcissus, & ranunculus,
visit the bulb shop at your local nursery.

Even though you can pick up some tomato plants I’m waiting a week or two to start mine, it’s pretty cold out there right now, even if they go in later this month or next they’ll easily catch up to plants that go in now.
When the soil is too cool the roots just sit there until they get warmer weather.
If you’re shopping for tomato plants remember to choose plants that have thick stalks (like the size of a pencil) with no fruit or flowers. When you first plant them you want the roots to grow and grow to get big & strong to support heavy loads of super juicy fruit! Be sure to stake or tie up early.

More Organic Edible Gardening & Flower Classes coming in 2023
Starting tomatoes from seed soon
For vegetables and fruits to plant now and mid-month visit
Debs Kitchen
and for more reading click below
Edible Gardening
NOW Booking for Vegetable & Flower Garden consult & Design
Ojai Pixie Tangerines

For now, citrus picking has been going strong when it dries out for a little while. They won’t pick when the trees are wet and can’t get into the muddy fields. Our tangerine favorites this time of year are the Ojai Pixie tangerines and the trees are loaded with fruit & should be readily available at your supermarket or from Melissa’s Produce! New crop just picked.