Fall isn’t quite here yet but when you see fresh apples in the farmers markets you know it’s coming quickly! Apples starting coming into the market in August actually.
Home made applesauce is so easy and oh so tasty, not like that runny stuff you get from a jar. It’s pretty much hands off cooking so try making your own today!
Here’s a quick little guide to choosing apples
Choose organic apples as apples have topped the Environmental Working Groups ‘Dirty Dozen’ list, which identifies the most pest laden fruit and vegetables. You’ll want to eat the skin of the apple as disease-fighting pectin (fiber) lies directly under the skin
Select firm fruit with no bruises or scars and treat them gently.
Don’t wash your apples until you’re ready to use them.
Keep them in a cool place, your fruit drawer of the refrigerator is fine but don’t store with other fruit. Apples give off a gas, which will ripen you’re other fruit faster. Some apples will keep weeks in the refrigerator. They will keep a few days on the counter.
Apples are the ultimate fruit, low in calories with no fat, sodium or cholesterol. The pectin in apples actually helps to dissolve the cholesterol in ones blood stream. High in fiber, anti-oxidants, potassium, niacin and a variety of vitamins, apples are a near perfect fruit.
Apple Variety Guide
Ambrosia, Braeburn, Cameo, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Jazz, Jonagold, Jonalicious, Jonathon, McIntosh, Pink Lady, Red Delicious