This was a great year for tomatoes! My early tomatoes are giving it one last push before they succumb and my late (heirloom) tomato bushes are full with big beautiful green tomatoes. What we haven’t been able to eat (and share) I’ve been freezing for later use. Remember I told you how to freeze them? Just plop the whole or cut up tomato on a baking sheet and put in the freezer until frozen solid, then put them into a freezer bag or other container and put back in the freezer. This allows you to pick out however many tomatoes you need at a time and no need to peel before freezing. As they defrost the skin will slip right off and if you want to remove the seeds just cut in half as usual and squeeze out the seeds.
Here are some beautiful photos that my friend Christina Peters shot of my tomatoes this year and a beautiful Tomato Sauce from Marcella Hazan.

Hi Chef Debbi! I have used this tomato freezing tip you shared with me for two seasons now, and I love it! We already have several bags of tomatoes frozen for Fall soups; and I’ve passed the simple process on to lots of gardening friends. Many thanks, and continued happy harvests!
Thanks Jo Anne! I have several bags in my freezer as well. Glad it works as well for you!